A message from our founder and Managing Director, Peter Bentley
We are thrilled to be launching our new Company Newsletter, which we hope will be a useful resource to keep you informed of all things Intuitive.
We had a record year in 2021-2022, with strong company growth and surpluses, further embedding the Company’s financial strength and its ability to take on further exciting areas of service delivery across an ever widening number of sectors.
Key to this growth and the continued delivery of excellent outcomes is that we ensure that our core skills in Attitude Change are carried over into all these new sectors, providing highly appropriate and useable skill sets to all our learners.
In particular, we are thrilled to be starting new contracts in Stockport and Redcar Drug & Alcohol Services, where commissioners have been particularly impressed by our volunteer Ambassador Programme, which takes a skills-based Personal Development approach for volunteers, accrediting them with relevant national qualifications and enhancing their employability.
Our national programmes remain strong, with CFO3 continuing to see impressive numbers, and uptake on the Government’s DWP Restart programme through our network of prime contractors is already seeing considerable growth. We have seen similar levels of growth across our work in Domestic Abuse.
Another good news story is the significant increase in our Secondary School interventions, as we deliver hard-hitting programmes to children who are excluded or are displaying concerning behaviours. The work with those involved in County Lines is of particular interest, as we aim to provide robust prevention skills to our young children in their communities.
Our Digital strategy is also gaining momentum, and we now are proud to boast that in addition to professional digital content writing and design, we now host digital courses for ourselves and a number of our partnerships. This provides local partnerships with the ability to develop their own digital brands and services and we will invest further in this area in the coming years.
If you’d like further information on any of the above, I’d be delighted to hear from you or perhaps you have suggestions for improved content for this newsletter?
Either way, you can email me at peterbentley@intuitivethinkingskills.com or simply phone for a chat on 07830 138557.
Kind Regards
Peter Bentley