
We have robust and credible quality improvement skills to help partners develop their own accredited learning, quality assured course content, and to implement successful change management.

Intuitive Thinking skills have worked extensively with public, voluntary and private sector organisations across England, Scotland and Wales for over 15 years. In this time we have developed innovative services and partnerships that have delivered a significant impact on addressing social inequalities and giving individuals the skills to make lifestyle changes that benefit them, their families and their communities. We also deliver a range of consultancy services helping our partners meet their objectives by improving skills, quality and reach.

We can work with you to:

  • Pilot new innovative approaches to tackling social and health inequalities
  • Provide advice and support to small, medium and large businesses
  • Develop peer-led initiatives
  • Develop consultation exercises
  • Develop multimedia e-learning or distance learning solutions
  • Develop bids solutions and partnerships
  • Upskill your staff or others through training provision

Our customers include statutory, private, charities and C.I.C’s who deliver in schools, businesses, communities, online and criminal justice settings.

Our highly skilled content writers can convert your training into digital multimedia e-learning that you can either take away or we can host it for you on our LMS (Learning Management System) – The Think Tank. This can be branded to your organisation with the option of having your own URL. The software we use is powerful enough to create animations or virtually any interaction with gamification and questions. We are also able to create standard fully responsive courses in a short turn around.

Our digital offer includes helping organisations improve digital inclusion, developing a digital strategy and preparing educational or training content delivered to staff or customers. All our digital courses are interactive and able to work on every device without any manual tweaking.

With over 15 years of change management experience, we have a number of solutions and approaches to help you embed change within either locality teams or throughout the whole organisation. Whether you are going through a process of change, streamlining, rebranding, improving culture or alignment to company values, we can help you through that process.

There is no “one size fits all” approach. Each opportunity we have to work with your organisation will include a detailed review with step by step process to embed the changes required for any organisation to become a thriving, successful and happy working community.

We have a number of training courses for staff including Mental Health Resilience KIT, Well-Being KIT, Addiction KIT, Domestic Abuse KIT, Equal Opportunities KIT, Mentoring KIT and working with children involved in either county lines, gangs, care or the criminal justice system.

Our training is different because it takes a peer perspective from someone who has been there and understands the misconceptions and gaps in services. Most importantly this is about giving front line workers a diverse set of skills ensuring that they are flexible and responsive to the needs of the individual.

As a leading provider of NOCN Level 1 to 3 learning programs, we have robust and credible quality assurance and improvement skills to help partners develop their own accredited learning; delivering national qualifications to an ever wider group of individuals.

This service not only includes consultancy to help develop ideas and explore opportunities for our partners but also project planning and implementation, including on-going QA Auditing to ensure both compliance to standards and robust data-rich streams to inform continuous improvement.

Our internal trainers can help your workforce by training them in delivery and learning standards, and how to interact with learners who have diverse learning styles.

We can set up your entire learning program, help with writing professional but friendly classroom materials which meet your learner’s needs, and from there, we can train your teams in QA auditing and educational evidencing which will drive future quality developments.

Intuitive Thinking Skills have been successful in winning bids for over 15 years. We can support your organisation and bids team to develop partnerships and winning bids in social care and employment. We are thoughtful, determined professionals with clear processes and an eye for detail, helping you to understand what commissioners are looking for.

Whether you are looking to partner with us, proof read, act as a sound board or help you guide your bids to success, we have the skills to support you.

We’ll help you make sure that your Bids continuously develop and improve to stay ahead of the competition. Our work also ensures that bids are innovative, add value, and better meet requirements.