An accredited anger management programme that teaches people how to say No to thoughts and feelings of aggressive or violent behaviour
The course gives people the tools to build respectful and healthy relationships, learning to solve problems without aggressive behaviour or violence.
We simply give people “take away tools” that they can use anytime, anyplace, anywhere, rather trawling into the past for answers for justifications. Our passion lies in empowering people through education to change their lives for the better.
At the heart of our approach is the idea of personal responsibility. Giving people skills is what builds resilience and confidence. Aggression serves no one. It’s more a reflection of thinking, language, beliefs, and learnt behaviour.
By developing the key skills of relationship management with critical thinking and the 3 R’s (Responsibility, Respect, and Resilience) we enhance and improve the quality of people’s individual lives and how we behave towards each other.
The programme includes brain science, how we think, handle stress, and make choices.
What you do and how you do it are key skills.
The very nature of choice is the recognition that we debate about what we do and the consequences before we do it. This internal dialogue is exactly where we use our skills.
Managing risk and consequence aren’t new to our learners, we just look at it in a different way, arming people for the situations that they encounter every day.
Instead of giving people a certificate for anger management why not have something that is relevant to their lives, their future, and the work-place rather than something that is focused on the problem and the past.
Other benefits include:
- Building skills, confidence, and self-esteem
- Learning to say NO!
- Skilling people to make better decisions in difficult situations
- Skills that are transferable into the workplace
- Reduction in social exclusion
- Substance misuse
- Healthier lifestyles and well-being
NOCN Level 1 Award in Behaviour Management (Aggression)
For this qualification the learner will:
- Identify situations or challenges that they may respond to emotionally rather than rationally and why
- Identify cognitive skills to change behaviour
- Identify potential causes of fear, stress or anger and how rational thought may help those situations
- Explain why it’s important to move out of your comfort zone to get new goals and change behaviour
- Understand responsibilities to your own and other’s well-being
"I know now that I can think before I act and that I can now recognise the excuses and justifications of my anger which only feeds the problem. This has been a really good course for me and has come just at the right time and just learning about critical thinking and applying it has already boosted my confidence. Someone tried to push my buttons last night and I was able to challenge my thinking to respond in a positive way rather than reacting with aggression. If this situation was last week I would have used aggression but here I am already making better choices."
We are commissioned in many local authority areas in the UK, where the course will be free, or alternatively, you can pay directly and enjoy the benefits of a 1 to 1 delivery with our specialist Tutors.