Mentoring Into Work

1:1 Mentoring Support to help you update your job searching and interviewing skills whilst managing the stress of being unemployed

Becoming unemployed can be a worrying and daunting prospect, especially if you haven’t been out of work before, or the industry you are accustomed to is no longer a viable option. Mentoring Into Work Sessions are designed to help you with perfecting and updating your job searching skills, while also supporting you with managing the associated stress of sudden unemployment, increasing confidence, building resilience, and addressing your barriers.

"I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Intuitive Thinking Skills, for the support, guidance and help that I received in our sessions together. You got me looking in directions that I hadn't thought of in the past, regarding the kind of work that I am skilled to do, so, for these and all the encouragement, I am truly grateful."

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